Since its founding in 1960, the Bethel Series has worked hard to fulfill its mission:
". . . to lead church members into a disciplined study of the Scriptures in such a way that they encounter the Living Christ."The biblical literacy that the Bethel Series helps bring to congregations has brought thousands of churches and millions of believers to an "encounter with the Living Christ." We endeavor to continue this worthy tradition into the future however God leads us.
In celebration of our 60th anniversary, we will have a celebratory dinner at 6:00PM on Sunday, July 19, 2020, at Bethel Lutheran Church in Madison, WI. This will kick off our annual Bethel Series Teacher Training Seminar, July 19-23, 2020. You can find out more at: or contact me at 608-579-5700 or
Soli Deo Gloria!