Friday, December 8, 2017

Help Spread the Good News to Untold, Unreached People - Provide a Scholarship for a Kenyan Pastor for $84

Join us on our Mission to Kisumu as we train 200 Kenyan pastors in the Bethel Series Old Testament Lessons on January 8-12, 2018.   

These Kenyan pastors have a strong faith, but lack formal training.  Once trained, the Bethel Series will be the lens through which they understand and teach the Bible.  Their newly informed understanding will help them combat the false teaching that is so common in the developing world.  Armed with their Bethel Series training, they can spread the Good News to untold, unreached people.

For $84 or more, you can be part of the “Mission to Kisumu.”

You can join us by providing a scholarship for one or more Kenyan pastors to attend the January 2018 Bethel Series training in Kisumu at $84 per Kenyan pastor.  That is not much by our standards, but it has the potential to transform whole communities.

By giving a scholarship to one or more Kenyan pastors, you will receive:

  • A 2½ minute “Moment for Mission” video prior to the trip explaining what we are going to do and what we expect to accomplish.
  • Updates, pictures and emails during the ten-day trip.
  • A video after the trip showing all that God has done through your support of the “Mission to Kisumu.”

You will also receive updates on future trips and how you can join us on these missions.

Thank you, in advance, for helping us “make known His deeds among the nations” through your prayers and your support.  

If you have any questions about the trip or your contribution, please contact me by telephone at 608-849-9220 or by email to

Scholarship donations may also be sent by check made out to Bethel Series - Kisumu to:

Bethel Series
1030 Uniek Drive
Wannakee, WI 53597

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Door of Humility - Enter as a Tourist, Leave as a Pilgrim

Here is a picture of Toni and I entering the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem through the Door of Humility.

You can see how small the entry is.  In order to enter the church through this door (there are other more accessible doors to enter the church) you have to stoop down or crawl through it, hence the Door of Humility.  

There is a plaque nearby that says, "If you enter as a tourist, we hope you will leave as a pilgrim.  If you enter as a pilgrim we hope you will leave as a holier pilgrim."

We were told that the door was made smaller centuries ago to prevent animals from entering the church.  You can see the indentation on the threshold where countless pilgrims have entered through this tiny doorway. Seeing it brings to mind Jesus' admonition in Matthew 7:13-14: 
‘Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Bethel Series Holy Land Tour Reservations Close in Early November

It should be clear that the Bethel Series Pilgrimage to the Holy Land will be spiritually meaningful. What is not so obvious is that it will also be a great deal of fun! 

To the left is a picture taken of Bethel Series Executive Director, Reverend Jeff Quinto and his wife in a first century cave. What is the first thing that comes to mind for them? “Let’s take a selfie.”

Swimming in the Dead Sea is a not-to-be-missed opportunity during your pilgrimage. Of course, everyone knows that you float in the Dead Sea because of its high salt content. What they do not tell you is that once you lay back in the water, you pop up nearly out of the water like a fishing bobber. Many people rub their bodies with the mud from the Dead Sea believing that it brings back a youthful complexion. We make no guarantees of this claim.

One of the most inspiring experiences of the trip will be when we visit the path that Jesus came down from the Mount of Olives sitting on a donkey on Palm Sunday. To think of Jesus riding down this very path to the shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David!” is overwhelming. You can picture the scene as you stand by the path. You can imagine yourself cheering for Him. You wonder how you would have reacted as the events of the Holy Week unfolded.

This combination of spiritual and fun experiences will fill our pilgrimage. You should not miss this opportunity. Reservations close the first of November, so you will want to secure your spot in this life-changing Bethel Series Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2018.

You can get more information on the Bethel Series website at or by calling the Bethel Series office at 608-849-9220.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Join us as a mission partner as we train 200 Kenyan pastors in Kisumu, Kenya at Manna Ministries International this January, 2018. Check out the video which explains what we are doing and why you would want to be involved.

Blessings,  Jeff

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bethel Series Holy Land Pilgrimage - January 29 - February 7, 2018

Join Toni and I January 29 - February 7, 2018 for ten days on the Bethel Series Holy Land Pilgrimage.  The video tells some of the story, but actually walking where Jesus walked, seeing where he prayed, visiting the "Valley of the Shadow of Death" cannot be described.

They must be experienced.

And, once experienced, the Bible and your faith will come alive in a way you likely could not have predicted.

Blessings,  Jeff